• Memory - Retrieval of previously processed information or experience.
    Synonym - recollection.

  • Attention - Ability to focus on important/significant stimuli for as long as necessary even in noisy, distracting settings.
    Synonym - concentration, focus.

  • Processing - Ability to attend to something, make sense out of it and apply it to oneself.
    Synonym - comprehension, understanding, assimilation, encoding.

  • Retention - Ability to store processed information in an organized, systematic manner.
    Synonym - storage, recollection.

  • Retrieval - Ability to recall previously experienced sensations or perceptions once the original stimulus is no longer present.
    Synonym - remembering, recall.

  • Compensation - Deliberate application of a procedure to counteract the effect of a dysfunction or disability.
    Synonym - adaptation, adjustment.

  • Rehabilitation - Restoration to normal of impaired functions.
    Synonym - restoration, compensation.

Who... What... When... Where...

    Size... Shape... Sound... 

        Mood... Movement...


